Tyler Baltierra Responds To A Fan Calling Out His Wife


Tyler’s new post


Tyler Baltierra recently documented his weight-loss progress on Instagram and the post generated over 30,000 likes.

“1 year apart & sitting at the same weight in each pic. This is why the scale isn’t as important as overall body composition,” Tyler wrote on Instagram.

Adding that, “I still have a long way to go until reaching my goals, but I like to post my progress as a reminder to myself..”

Tyler’s post caused a fan to make a questionable comment about his wife: “girl get on that treadmill cuz if u think ur lifestyles sync ur sadly mistaken,” the fan wrote.


To which Tyler responded, “She doesn’t need a damn treadmill for her body to be desirable to me..”


“..That body has been with me through everything,” he added.