Maci’s Husband Taylor Slams Mackenzie & Ryan Edwards In The Most Savage Way Possible


Maci & Taylor


Maci and her husband Taylor have been together for over 5 years now. It all started back in the early days of ‘Teen Mom’, and he wasn’t introduced to the series up until 2015/2016.


How they met is also an interesting story: Maci met her future husband at a friend’s party for the first time ever and once again at a motocross event.

Apparently, both Taylor & Maci have a common passion for fast things, and what better way to experience speed than by bike.


Taylor slams the Edwards couple


Maci’s husband Taylor is also fed up with the Edwards family and although he doesn’t tweet very much often, his one tweet was enough to add fuel to the fire.


Taylor’s tweet was directed to a fan tweeting out: “Lol at Mackenzie wondering if Maci has moved on from the past and claiming Ryan left her. You and Ryan are the ones constantly bringing up ancient history, and clearly aren’t over S–T #TeenMomOG”.

After his tweet, fans showed support to Taylor standing up for his wife, with one fan tweeting: “Well he has apparently had enough of their BS. I’m sure this will make Larry and Mimi Jen lose their minds but I am proud of him for sticking up for Maci.”
