Kailyn Lowry Reveals That Life With Four Boys Is Living Hell

Living with four boys


Kailyn Lowry shared details about her life with four boys and it’s quite interesting. The mom often posts picture-perfect moments on social media and her take on things back at home isn’t exactly the same.


“I feel like literally, I’m sick of the toilet seats being up, I’m sick of the dirty socks everywhere, I really am just like, ‘Clean up your sh*t,’” Lowry said in an interview.


Kailyn said that the best piece of advice she can offer to single moms is: “You get up in the morning, put your big girl pants on and you figure it the f–k out. I think it’s not the greatest advice but it’s literally my life.”


“it’s not always easy but when you put yourself first and your kids first, you find a way to do whatever needs to be done and for me, I’m going to figure it out,” she added.