Justin Timberlake Gets Arrested

Justin Timberlake is a talented and versatile artist known for his singing, songwriting, and acting. With a successful career spanning decades, he gained fame as a member of the boy band NSYNC before launching a solo music career.


Timberlake’s innovative sound and captivating performances have garnered him numerous awards and a devoted fan base.

In addition to his music, he has also demonstrated his acting abilities in various films, showcasing his versatility as an entertainer.


Justin Gets Arrested


The famous singer recently got arrested on DUI charges in New York, and the news made headlines on every major news outlet.

Apparently, Mr. Timberlake had just “one martini ” before driving. The police issued the following statement: “The defendant was operating said vehicle in an intoxicated condition in that his eyes were bloodshot and glassy, a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage was emanating from his breath, he was unable to divide attention, he had slowed speech, he was unsteady afoot, and he performed poorly on all standardized field sobriety tests.”


Timberlake pleaded not guilty and is set to appear in court on July 26 of this year.