It’s a well-known fact that the ‘Teen Mom’ stars are making ‘decent’ money now, but what about the past?
‘Teen Mom’ salaries today
Today, the ‘Teen Mom’ stars are very well compensated for their TV efforts.
Going on an episode-by-episode basis, almost each one of the stars makes about $25,000 per episode.
Combined together (episodes-wise), the stars make an estimated $500,000 per season of the show.
‘Teen Mom’ salaries back in the day
For the first couple of seasons, the ‘Teen Mom’ stars were compensated ‘measly’ in comparison to their salaries today.
It’s estimated that they made about $500 per episode only for the first two seasons of the show.
This was the period between 2009-2011. Things started getting better with every new season of the show, monetary-wise.